Holy Family Parish is blessed to have such beautiful, historic, and one-of-a-kind stained-glass windows in our church. Author Louis Baum spent countless hours over several years researching and writing a book describing the story of each window. Both Louis and Jean Ronan (who assisted in the project) have graciously donated all their time and efforts to complete this book project. The book will be available at all Masses to view this weekend (Feb 18th-19th) and next weekend (Feb 25th-26th). Now that the book has been completed, the parish is offering it for purchase for only $20 each (to cover cost). Upon receiving your prepayment, we will order the books. Order forms are available in church or by calling/visiting the Parish Office. Please enclose payment with your order. Order soon! (We plan to place the first book order on March 6th.) Upon arrival of the books, we will notify you.