As you navigate our website, we hope that it provides you with a glimpse of our parish, and it offers the information you are looking for to nurture your faith. Sometimes it can feel like the Internet is a gateway to negativity. If you find yourself frustrated with what you see online, seeking out Christian content through technology is a great way to stay positive and keep your walk with Christ active in all parts of your life.
Fortunately, the Internet can help us to reach people in ways previously unheard of. Pope Francis said the Internet is a “gift from God.” He goes on to say that it must be “a network not of wires, but of humans.”
Our intention is to make visiting our site both physically and virtually a friendly and informative experience for you. If you are simply visiting or interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we are glad you are here. We are committed to creating a place for everyone to make a connection and grow in faith through prayer, lifelong learning, service, discipleship, and pastoral support.
If you are visiting our church for Mass, make sure to find one of our staff members or greeters in the Narthex/Lobby. They will be happy to welcome you and give you any next steps. If you would like additional information not found on the website or at Mass, please contact us through email at [email protected] or call the Parish Office at (315) 823-3410. We look forward to hearing from you!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Brian Slezak