Family Catechesis
(meets monthly - every third Sunday)
Begins Sunday, October 20, 2024
Holy Family Parish Gym
Time: 11:05 - 11:50 a.m.
The theme this year is “A Year of the Basics.” The focus will be on the essential elements of our Faith. Each session will include a short presentation, group discussion, and activities for kids. The younger children, under the age of 13, will be taught separately by a Catechist, either in the Parish Gym or the Parish Office Building, depending on the sizes of the classes.
This is not a sacramental preparation program per se. The aim of the sessions is to help us understand and live our Catholic Faith. If you are looking for sacramental preparation for Baptism, First Confession/Holy Communion, Confirmation, or Marriage, please schedule a time to meet with Father Slezak, and he will create a plan that works best for you and your family.
St. Bernadette’s Young Ladies Sodality: In addition to the Catechesis program, the St. Bernadette Young Ladies Sodality for girls ages 8-16 meets monthly, November through June. The SBYLS is a Marian Sodality devoted to our Blessed Mother. Girls learn about devotion to Our Lady, Christian modesty, etiquette, and new skills including how to make organic products. They also plan and host a Father/Daughter Dance. Contact: Bridget Altner, Evangelization Coordinator - [email protected].
Altar Servers: Young men are invited to become altar servers, who learn how to serve all the parts of the Mass (either Traditional Latin Mass (UA) or the Novus Ordo Mass). This year, they will also participate in recreational outings and retreat days throughout the year (year-round). Contact: [email protected]
Gregorian Chant: Chant Young men and women interested in learning Gregorian Chant. The children’s choir sings at the Usus Antiquior Mass, but there is the possibility of cantoring at the other Masses with proper instruction (Sept. - June). Contact: [email protected]
Bookstore: Teenagers are welcome to manage and operate our new bookstore. (Grand Opening - 2025). They will learn how to merchandise, keep accurate records, and interact with the public. Contact: [email protected]Rising Saints Youth Group: Comprised of teens from our network who meet year-round. They meet on a monthly basis for a wide array of activities, including hiking, pizza making, and painting, etc. They also have the opportunity to go to the Steubenville Youth Conference held in July each year. Contact: [email protected]
Young Adult Group: Men and women, ages 18-35 within our parish network, meet every other month for Adoration and fellowship. Contact: [email protected]
Please help spread the word about the many great things we are offering this year. Start with your own family members. Sometimes and invitation is all they need. I know with the right encouragement, we will continue to see our parishes grow in wisdom and holiness.