When Bishop Scharfenberger announced that the Traditional Latin Mass (Usus Antiqiuor) Mass would be moved from Holy Family to the Auriesville Shrine during the summer months, I was relieved that he was supportive of the UA Mass, but I knew it would entail a lot more work on our part. For starters, the Shrine is 35 miles from Little Falls. Secondly, since the Shrine does not have regular UA Masses, this meant we would have to bring everything needed, i.e. vestments, altar cards, linens etc. To make matters worse, scheduling conflicts meant that we could not use the Coliseum every Sunday, so we would have to use the outdoor Martyr’s Chapel—rife with dust and critters. Our first weekend there was very revealing. Mass started quite late. I forgot to bring several items. I had to shout my homily. Our makeshift candles dripped hot wax over the linens. People complained it was dusty. I cannot recall exactly, but I am sure it was hot because I remember the ceiling fan squeaking the entire Mass. Over the weeks, things slowly started coming together. Someone was assigned to sweep the floors prior to Mass. Men built a suitable platform for the altar. We installed faux-stained glass window coverings over the clear windows, a sound system was purchased, candles were borrowed from St. Joseph’s, new linens were draped over the altar, and a Holy Water font was set up. We even managed to pull off a weekly potluck social in the Pavilion! One of the blessings of having the Mass at the Shrine is that it attracted a lot more people, some of whom had never been to a Latin Mass before. It was refreshing to see so many young families, as well as pilgrims of every age and background coming to give glory to God on the hallowed grounds. As the summer winds to a close, I look back with a sense of accomplishment. I am so very grateful to everyone who volunteered to make sure a beautiful and edifying Mass occurred every Sunday. I also want to thank the staff at the Auriesville Shrine who made us feel most welcome and did not ask for a penny from our collection. I know in my heart that God will continue to provide for the Usus Antiquior Mass. Although it was a blessing being at the Shrine, I look forward to returning to Holy Family on Sunday, October 9th at Noon. I hope you can join us too.