“For Christ also said, ‘Except you be born again, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:3]” - Justin Martyr
Baptism is the foundation of our life in Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit:
At Holy Family and St. Joseph Church, Baptisms are generally celebrated on Saturdays, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. Arrangements for Baptism can be made by contacting the Parish Office at (315) 823-3410.
If you live outside of the parish boundaries, the pastor of your local parish must delegate Holy Family to perform the Baptism. Please contact your local parish priest and he will assist you.
The role of Godparents is of utmost importance. Before you choose Godparents please take note of the Canonical Requirments for Godparents (below). Careful consideration should be given prior to the selecting Godparents.
Canonical Requirements for Godparents are as follows:
If two Godparents are chosen, one must be male; one must be female. Parents of the one being baptized are not to be the Godparents. A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic faith community may be admitted as a Christian witness along with a Catholic sponsor.*
Note: If you are unable to find a practicing Catholic in good standing, a Godparent may be chosen from one of the parishioners of Holy Family. Godparents are not necessary for validity. It is of far better advantage to the soul of your child to have a Godparent who lives a life in keeping with the precepts of the Church and prays for your child rather than a non-practicing Catholic..
*A non-practicing Catholic cannot be admitted as Christian Witness. This term only applies to a non-Catholic Christian.